(Critical) Ontology of Ghosts

Mind map of (Critical) Ontology of Ghosts

Critical Ontology of Ghosts.jpg

Queer Resistance in the Time of Spanish Fascism or WE ALSO GO TO THE BEACH

Queer bodies, and more so, penalized queer bodies in times of fascist dictatorship, become liminal at the beach: they are present but often hidden in spaces where bodies are highly visible. As a Southerner Spanish queer artist, born months after the arrival of democracy in Spain, I am very aware of the presence of those bodies, those stories never told, but to which I owe so much. This presentation is a brief attempt to narrate the queer haunting at the beach, to question the failure of the archives in accounting for these experiences, and to reflect on the potential of queering strategies in art. In short, my presentation is a tribute and a call for queer resistance in times of fascism.

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